Saturday 8 February 2014

Federation music video

Towards the end of 2013 Lalacuna was approached by the band Federation to create a music video for their track 'Be There' of which I acted as camera lighting person. The shoot took place over one weekend in a disused retirement home in South East London. The concept for the video was conceived by a resident of the home as it is currently being used as part of a temporary housing scheme. The main concept is that the singer from the group is a resident in an institution un-responsive and passive he is subjected to extreme therapy treatment leading to his disappearance. Here are some still frames from the final film.

The footage has been heavily colour graded to give it a stylised look reminiscent of the work by Andrei Tarkovsky and especially his film Solaris. We had this look in mind from the conception of the idea and tried to plan ahead as much we could to achieve a similar look. However in retrospect one aspect we could have worked on would have been to set up the camera's to record in as neutral a way possible so as to enable the colour grade to have been easier. Once the video is available to view online I will post a link here.

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